Is This Native or Web? React Native for Web Breaks the Boundaries

Is This Native or Web? React Native for Web Breaks the Boundaries

Airbnb Comes to the Web: Experience Native Performance with React Native! Ever dreamed of building an Airbnb-like web app with the smooth performance and intuitive feel of a native mobile app? Now you can, thanks to the power of React Native! ✨

Ensure you have Node.js and Expo CLI installed on your machine.
Clone this repository:

git clone

Install dependencies:

npm install or yarn

Here is the rest of the code

return (
    {/* top SafeAreaView */}
        backgroundColor: colorMode === "light" ? "#E5E5E5" : "#262626",
    {/* bottom SafeAreaView */}
        backgroundColor: colorMode === "light" ? "white" : "#171717",
      {/* gluestack-ui provider */}
      <GluestackUIProvider config={config} colorMode={colorMode}>
        <ThemeContext.Provider value={{ colorMode, toggleColorMode }}>
          {/* main app page */}
            <HomestayPage />